Epistle of Paul to Alexandria

There was a Small  Epistle said to Be written By Paul, Just like Loadecians Called Epistle of Paul to Alexandrians. There is also a Forged Epistle of Laodecians and Alexandrians which is Lost, However this very Epistle is Said to Written By Paul. Some Church Father's Included it in the List of Scripture, However Majority did not Mentioned.

Church Father Gaius in Muratorian Canon Fragment stated that,

""There are also circulating one Epistle to the Laodiceans and one to the Alexandrians Forged inside the name of Paul by Presbyter towards the heresy of Marcion.""

It is said that Laodecians and Alexandrians forged which also mean that both were Written by Paul, but some were forged in the name Paul.

Here, Gaius stated Laodecians and Alexandrians togheter and Paul in Colossians stated that He had written a letter to a 10 miles place called Laodecia. Which may Indicate that there is an Epistle of Paul to Alexandria too.

Many Church Father included this Epistle has Scripture (Quoting is currently not Available but will added further).

Both Epistle to Laodecians and Alexandrians are Rejected because of Uncertainty of Authorship as there were many forged Letters not written by Paul. So I conclude the Given text of Any value and not a Forgery mentioned in Muratorian Canon fragement.

  1. Brethren, we that are under the power of the Lord ought to keep the commandment of God.
  2. They that keep the Lord’s precepts have eternal life, and they that deny his commandments bring ruin on themselves and eventually the second death.
  3. Now the precept of the Lord is this: You shall not swear falsely, you shall not steal, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not bear false witness, and you shall not take gifts against the truth, neither for power. Rom. 13:8
  4. Whoever has power and denies the truth, shall be denied the kingdom of God and be trodden down into hell, from where he will never return.
  5. How are we? Frail and deceitful, workers of sin! We do not repent daily but daily do we commit sin upon sin. Rom. 7:18-20
  6. You should know this, dearly beloved brethren, that our works are written in this book: "it shall be for a memorial against us in the day of judgement."
  7. There shall be neither witnesses nor companions, neither shall judgment be given by gifts;
  8. for there is nothing better than faith, truth, chastity, fasting, and almsgiving which puts out1 all sins. 1 Pet. 4:1
  9. And what you do not want done to yourself, do not to another. Mat. 7:12
  10. Agree you for the kingdom of God and you shall receive the crown which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 covers

This text is Parrallel to Bible and also like in style of epistle to Laodecians. 

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Epistle of Paul to Alexandria

There was a Small  Epistle said to Be written By Paul, Just like Loadecians Called Epistle of Paul to Alexandrians. There is also a Forged E...

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