Note -This post is Divided in Two Parts as this post is Too Big


According to the Legend found in Talmud of the orthodox Jews and Dead sea scrolls(Essenes Community) that all the Patriarch From Enos to Moses have written their Testament for posterity. According to Book of Enoch Fallen Angels have taught the men the art of Writing. Quoting

8The fourth was named Penemue. He
taught the children of men the bitter and
the sweet, and he taught them all the
secrets of their wisdom.
9And he
instructed mankind in writing with ink
and paper, and thereby many sinned for
all eternity unto this day.
10For men were
not created for such a purpose, to give
confirmation to their good faith with pen
and ink.
11For men were created
exactly like the angels, to the intent that
they should continue pure and righteous,
and death (which destroys everything)could not have touched them, but through
this their knowledge they are perishing,
and through this power it is consuming

Original Book of Enoch 69:8-11

Fallen angel and Giant Came to this Earth around 2925BC(1000 Years after Creation because Enoch ascended in 987th year of Creation)Enoch wrote his Book Just Before his Ascention his Last two chapter in Book of Enoch is his Testament as per Qumran only Enoch had learn to write before fallen angel descended.Enos died at 2785BC or 1140AM.In dead Sea scroll there Existed Fragment of Testament of Enos Fallen angels taught men to write 2925-2785BC before the Death of Enos,So there Exists Testament from enos but all the testament except those of Jacobs son Exists in Fragment Form.Aaron started a temporary priesthood that would Exist till the time where Elijah called as Messianic age,this is what we call as Church Age.The truly amazing thing is not only dead sea scrolls tells us about this 12 Testament of Jacob son But also tells us about other eight other Testaments found in Dead sea scroll.

Dead sea scrolls

The history of Dead sea Scrolls is very Complex.Weknow Essenes who were pious Men kept the Library in Qumran.We know sometime after destruction of Jerusalem during 70AD,Essenes sealed the scrolls of their library for Future Generation Through the Ages Bedounious sought to sell The scrolls found in caves of Jerusalem to the private Collectors,so Hebrew Manuscript is not Available.It contains other 8 Testament namely Testaments of— moses,Jacob,Enos,Lamech,Noah,Abraham,Enoch,Kohath(son of Levi).There should be around 30 Testaments which Now are Lost or Destroyed. Here we are Going to study about 8 Testaments found in Dead sea scroll...For Testament of twelve Patriarch see another post .


Here I ll Give the Text and it’s Content

Testament of Enos

Fr. I
I … all their festivals in their ages… of Thy marvels, for from old times
Thou hast ordered for them his judgement until the age of determined
judgement through all everlasting commandments. vacat Kenan was
from the fourth generation and Mehalalel]his son was the fifth
generation. … and Jared his son. And Jared his son was sixth
generation and Enoch his son. Enoch was seven[th] generation…
II Thou hast imparted Thy name as his inheritance to make Thy
name dwell there… She Qerusalem?) is the glory of the territory of Thy
land and on her Thou … Thine eyes on her and Thy glory shall be seen

there for… to his seed for their generations an everlasting possession
and all Thy good judgements Thou hast purified him for in
everlasting light and Thou hast established him for Thee as a first-born son… like his, as a prince and ruler for all the territory of Thy land.
the crown of the heavens and the glory of the clouds Thou hast set
on him .and the angel of Thy peace in his congregation and
given him righteous rules like a father to his son.Thy soul clings to
his love for through them Thou hast established Thy glory

fragment 2

…and Prison.angel Intercede and Fight Against all Land.You Judge and Recompense them for their Work

Fr 3

You(lord) Rule all that is and you Give Honor whom you will.you hold all dominion in your Hand and call Each other in their Name

Fr 4

Times of Dominion in generations at appointed time

Fr 5

….Without you

This Fragment is also called as Prayer of Enosh Because it’s like a Prayer,It starts with Chronology and it say God is Sovereign and He make Unchangeable Decrees ,true laws t,signs,festiawal that we know of Today.

FIt teaches that pre flood capital city would Rebuild again and it will be Place of Glory of God it will be Called Salem,It also tells about abhraham whose descended is Messiah who will bring salvation.God will be control all nations and he will punish the sinner according to their Deeds.

Genesis apocryphon or Testament of Lamech

(col. 1)

(col. 2)

Then I considered whether the pregnancy was due to the Watchers and Holy Ones, or (should be ascribed) to the Nephil[im], and I grew perturbed about this child. vacat

Then I, Lamech, became afraid and went to Batenosh, [my] w[ife … saying, “Dec]lare [to me] by the Most High, by the Lord of Greatness, by the E[ternal] King [whether the child comes from the] heavenly beings! Everything will you truthfully tell me, whether [ … … ] you will tell me without lies: is this [ … … swear] by the Eternal King until you speak truthfully to me and not with lies [ … ].” Then Batenosh my wife spoke with me forcefully. [She we]pt and said, “O my brother and master, recall for yourself my pregnancy [ … … ] marital relations, and my breath within its sheath (?). (Can) I truthfully [tell you] everything?” [ … … ] then I was perturbed even more. vacat

When Batenosh my wife noticed that my face had changed (its) expression [ … … ] then she gained control of her emotion(s) and spoke with me. She said to me, “O my master and [brother, recall for yourself] my pregnancy. I swear to you by the Great Holy One, by the Ruler of Hea[ven] that this seed is yours, that this pregnancy is from you, that from you is the planting of [this] fruit [and that it is] not from any alien, or from any of the Watchers, or from any heavenly bein[g. Why has the appearance] of your face changed like this upon you? And (why) is it disfigured, and your spirit dejected like this? [ … for I] tell you (this) truthfully. vacat

Then I, Lamech, hurried to Methuselah, my father, and [communicated] all this to him [so that he might consult Enoch] his father, and come to know everything with certainty from him since he is loved and fav[ored by God, and with the Holy Ones] has his lot been apportioned, and (hence) they (God and the angels) reveal everything to him. vacat

When Methuselah heard [these things], he hurried to Enoch, his father, to learn from him the truth of the whole matter [ … … ] his approval, and he (Enoch?) had previously gone to Parvayyim. There he found    E[noch his father, and] he said to Enoch, his father, “O my father and master, I have co[me] to you [ … … ] and I say to you to not be angry with me because I have come here to y[ou … … ] respect for you [ … …]”

(col. 3)-(Col-5) is Found in original Book of Enoch (2950BC) so dead sea scroll text is very poor so I’ll added the Book of Enoch Text.

Lemech’s Dream
After some time my son Methuselah took
a wife for his son Lamech, and she
became pregnant by him and bore a son.
2And his body was white as snow and
red as the blooming of a rose, and the
hair of his head was white as wool, and
his eyes were beautiful. When he opened
his eyes, they lit up the whole house like
the sun, and the whole house was very
3And when he was taken from the
hands of the midwife, he opened his

mouth, and spoke to the Lord of
4And his father Lamech
was afraid of him, and fled, and came to
his father Methuselah.
5And he said unto
him: “I have begotten a strange son,
unlike a man, but resembling the sons of
the angels of heaven; and his nature is
different. He is not like us; and his eyes
are as the rays of the sun, and his
countenance is beautiful.
It seems to me
that he is not sprung from me but from
the angels, and I fear that awful things
will happen on the earth in his days.
Lemech Seeks Enoch’s Interpretation
7Now, my father, I am here to ask and
implore you to go our father, Enoch, and
learn the truth from him, for his

Lemech Seeks Enoch’s Interpretation
7Now, my father, I am here to ask and
implore you to go our father, Enoch, and
learn the truth from him, for his

dwelling-place is with the angels.”
8And when Methuselah heard the words
of his son, he came to me at the ends of
the earth; for he had heard that I was
there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his
voice and I came to him. And I said unto
him, “Behold, here am I, my son, Why
have you come to me?”
9And he answered and said, “I have
come to you because of a disturbing
vision which has caused me great
10And now, my father, hear me.
Unto Lamech my son there was born a
son, whose likeness and nature was
unlike other men. His color was whiter
than snow and redder than the bloom of

a rose, and the hair of his head was
whiter than white wool, and his eyes
were like the rays of the sun, and when
he opened his eyes he illuminated the
whole house.
11And he arose in the hands
of the midwife; he opened his mouth, and
spoke to the Lord of heaven.
12And his
father Lamech was afraid and fled to me,
and did not believe that the child was
sprung from him, because his likeness
was like that of the angels of heaven.
And, behold, I have come to you that you
may tell me the truth.”
Enoch Interprets the Dream
13And I, Enoch, answered and said unto
him, “The Lord will do a new thing on
the earth, and this I have already seen in

a vision. I need to tell you that in the
generation of my father Jared, some of
the angels of heaven transgressed the
word of the Lord.
14They committed sin
and transgressed the law by uniting
themselves with women. They
committed sin with them, and have
married some of them, and have begotten
children by them.
15A great destruction
will come over the whole earth, and
there will be a flood of water and a
great destruction for one year.

16This son who was born unto you will
be left on the earth; and his three
children will be saved with him. When
all mankind who are left on the earth
will die, he and his sons will be saved.
17They who begot giants on the earth, no

according to the Spirit, but according to
the flesh, will suffer a great punishment
on the earth, and the earth will be
cleansed from all impurity.
18And now make known to your son
Lamech that he who will be born is truly
his son; and call his name Noah. For he
will be left to you; and he and his sons
will be saved from the destruction which
will come upon the earth on account of
all the sin and all the unrighteousness,
which will be consummated on the earth
in his days.
19And after that there will be
still more unrighteousness than that
which was first committed on the earth;
for I know the mysteries of the holy
ones; for He, the Lord, has showed me

and informed me, and I have read them
in the heavenly tablets.
The Flood will Not be the Complete
And I saw written on them that
generation upon generation will
transgress, till a generation of
righteousness arises, and transgression
is destroyed and sin disappears from the
earth, and all manner of good comes
upon it.
2And now, my son, go and tell
your son Lamech that this son, which
will be born, really will be his son, and
that this is no lie.”
3And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch ― for he had
shown to him everything in secret ― he
returned with the interpretation and
explained it to him and called the name
of that son Noah; for he will
comfort the earth after all the

Later on there is Book of Noah may be added by Essenes,This may be the part of Genesis apocryphon.

This passage is very fragmentary, but seems to contain the story of the Watchers  or Nephilim found in 1 Enoch 1-36, based on Gen 6:1-4.Columns 2-5 tell the story of the birth of Noah, using both third person accounts, and first person language from the point of view of Lamech, Noah’s father. The text details an Lamech, who questions whether the child being borne by his wife, Bath-Enosh, is his own, or belongs to one of the Watchers. A portion of column 2 states:

She said to me, “O my master and [brother, recall for yourself] my pregnancy. I swear to you by the Great Holy One, by the Ruler of Hea[ven] that this seed is yours, that this pregnancy is from you, that from you is the planting of [this] fruit [and that it is] not from any alien, or from any of the Watchers, or from any heavenly bein[g.]

The section closes with Lamech appealing to his father Methuselah to go and approach Enoch, who is Lamech’s grandfather, for guidance on this dispute. Enoch tells Methuselah about the coming apocalypse, and tells him that the reason Noah is so beautiful is because he is righteous and is meant to father the new world. Enoch instructs Methuselah to assure Lamech that he is Noah’s father. Columns 3-5 contain Enoch’s speech, which overlaps well with the Aramaic text found in 1 Enoch 106-107 from 4QEn. It is this overlap that provides the strongest evidence that inGin Apocryphon in the first part the testament Lamech talked about prophecy similar to Book of Enoch which was written 2950BC which he wrote before Ascention in 2938BC.

Testament of Enoch

It is nothing but the Epistle of Enoch in the last of Chapter of Original book of Enoch.

Another book which Enoch wrote for his
son Methuselah and for those who will
come after him, and keep the law in the
last days:
2you who have kept the law
and now wait for those days till those
who work evil and the power of the
transgressors are made an end of.
till sin has passed away, for their names
will be blotted out of the Book of Life
and out of the holy books, and their seed
will be destroyed forever, and their
spirits will be slain. And they will cry

and weep in a void, empty place, and
they will burn in unending fire.
4And I
saw there something like an invisible
cloud; for by reason of its depth I could
not look over, and I saw a flame of fire
blazing brightly, and things like shining
mountains shaking to and fro.
5And I
asked one of the holy angels who was
with me and said unto him, “What is this
shining thing? For it is not heaven, but
only the flame of a blazing fire, and the
voice of weeping and crying and
shouting and great pain.”
6And he said unto me, “This place which
you see, it is the place where the spirits
of sinners and blasphemers are cast, and
of those who work wickedness, and of

those who pervert everything that the
Lord has spoken through the mouth of the
prophets concerning the things that will
take place.[cclxxxviii]
7For some of
them are written and inscribed above in
the heaven in order that the angels may
read them and know what will befall the
sinners and the spirits of the humble, and
of those who have afflicted their bodies,
and been rewarded by God; and of those
who have been put to shame by wicked
8who love God and loved neither
gold, silver, nor any of the good things
which are in the world, but gave over
their bodies to torture.
9Since they came
into being, they longed not after earthly
food, but regarded everything as a
passing breath, and lived accordingly

And the Lord tried them much, and their
spirits were found pure, so that they
should bless His name.
10And all the
blessings destined for them I have
written down in the books: what He has
assigned them as their reward, because
they have been found to be such as loved
heaven more than their life in the world.
And though they were trodden down by
wicked men, and were abused, reviled,
and put to shame, they praised Me.
Righteous Rewarded with Eternal
Glorified Bodies
11And now I will summon the spirits of
the good who belong to the generation of
light, and I will transform those who
were born in darkness, who in the flesh

were not rewarded with such honor as
their faithfulness deserved.
In shining
light I will bring forth those who have
loved My holy name, and seat each on
the throne of his honor.[cclxxxix]
they will shine for times without number;
for righteousness is the judgment of God.
For He will be faithful to those faithful
in the habitation of righteousness.
will see those who were born in
darkness cast into darkness, while the
righteous will shine.
15And the sinners
will cry aloud and see them shine, and
they indeed will go where days and
seasons are ordained for them.
Here ends the Vision of Enoch the
Prophet. May the benediction of his prayer, and the gift of his appointed
period, be with his beloved! Amen.

Testament of Noah

1Q19, fr. 3
… [to] his father.And when Lamech (Noah’s father) saw the … [the child made] the rooms of the house [shine] like the rays of the sun … to
frighten the …
Frs. 13-14
… for the glory of your splendour … for the glory of God… [will be] lifted in glorious majesty… will be glorified amidst [the sons of h]eaven and …

From Genesis apocryphon

Copy of the book of the words of Noah [… …]

(col. 6)

from corruption, and in my mother’s womb I swelled for (the sake of) righteousness. When I emerged from the womb of my mother, I was planted for righteousness, and during all my days I conducted (myself) righteously and walked in the paths of eternal truth, and [the] Holy One[(s) was/were] with me [… …] righteousness, and to protect me from [paths?] of deception which lead to darkness and [… …] and I bound my loins with the vision of righteousness and wisdom [… … … …] all the paths of violence. vacat

Then I, Noah, became an adult. I held firmly to righteousness and I took hold [… … … …] and ’Amzar‘a his daughter I took as my wife. I impregnated her and she bore to me three sons [and ? daughters …]. Then I procured wives for my sons from among the daughters of my brother, and I gave my daughters to the sons of my brother in accordance with the eternal law <and> ordinance [… …. …] the Most High to humanity. vacat

And during my days, when the amount which I had calculated was completed for me [… …] ten jubilees, then my sons finished acquiring wives for themselves in marriage [… … …] heaven. I beheld in a vision and I was shown and taught about the deed of the heavenly beings, and what [… … … …] heaven. And I kept this secret to myself and did not reveal it to any person. vacat

[… …] to me, and a great Watcher to me as a messenger with a message of the Holy One [… … … …] he spoke with me in a vision and stood before me [… … … …] message of the Great Holy One. He made me hear a voice (saying), ‘To you they say, O Noah [… …. … …] and I thought .. I had knowledge of all the behavior (?) of the inhabitants of the earth, and I declared every [… … … … …] they will prosper (?) [… … … … … …] two weeks, and then sealed (?) [… … … … …] the blood which the Nephilim shed. I was quiet and waited until [… … … … …] the Holy Ones who were with mortal women [… … … … 2 lines missing … …] But I, Noah, found favor, distinction, and righteousness [… … … … … 1 line missing …] unto the gates of heaven [… … … … …] to humans, cattle, wild animals, birds, and [… … … 1 line missing …]

(col. 7)

[… …] on/over them, the land and everything which is on it, in the seas and among the mountains [… … …] all the constellations of heaven, sun, moon, and stars and Watchers [… … … … 2 lines missing … …] I shall hand over to you [… …. … … 0.5 line missingvacat

[… …] the Great Holy One. And I rejoiced at the words of the Lord of Heaven, and I summoned [… … … …] for all [… …] regarding this [… … … … … 9+ lines missing …] heaven greatly (?) and the ends [… … … …] to remove me and to build [… … … …] foolishness [… … … 2 lines missing …] and I gathered [… … approximately 7 lines missing …]


his wife after him/her [… … … 3.5 lines missing … …] the world/eternity [… … 4 lines missing … … …] and in all [… … remainder of column, approximately 18-20 lines, missing … …]

(col. 9)

[… … … all 27-29 lines missing … …]

(col. 10)

great. vacat Then […] everything which my sons [… … …] to Noah .. in the nights [… … …] in the nights [… … … … 4+ lines missing … …] they praised and extolled […] a blessing [… … … …] all of you for your Lord […] to the King of all the Ages forever and ever for every age. vacat

Then […] upon the earth […] and he took from [… … … …] find, for [… … …] the ark settled (upon) one of the mountains of Ararat and eternal fire (?) [… … … …] I atoned for all the earth and its origin (?) [ … ] the goat first, and after it came [……] and I burned the fat (of the goat) on the fire; secondly, [… …] I poured their blood at the base of the altar, and all their flesh I burned on the altar; thirdly, as for the doves [… …] an offering on the altar [… …] I placed on it fine sifted flour soaked in oil (and mixed) with incense as a meal-offering [… …] on all of them I had placed salt, and the odor of my burning rose to heaven. vacat

Then the Most High [… … remainder of column, approximately 10 lines, missing … …]

(col. 11)

[…] I, Noah, was at the doorway of the ark [… … … 7 lines missing … …] to the mountains and those of the deserts to [… … … …] four. vacat

Then I, Noah, departed and traveled through the land, through its length and its breadth [… … …] abundant with their foliage and their fruit. And all of the land was filled with vegetation, grass, and grain. Then I gave praise to the Lord of Heaven who had acted commendably, for He is eternal and praise is His, and I again gave (Him) praise because He had compassion on the earth, and because He removed and destroyed from it all those who practiced violence, wickedness, and deceit, but had spared a righteous man for [… …] on his/its account. vacat

[The Lord] of Heaven appeared to me, spoke with me, and said to me, ‘O Noah, do not be afraid! I will be with you and with your descendants—those who are like you—forever [… … …] the land, and rule over all of them … and its deserts and its mountains and all that is in them. Behold, I give all of it to you and your descendants for eating vegetables and plants (produced) by the land, but any sort of blood you will not eat. Fear of you and terror of you [… … … …] forever [… … … … …] I am yours. When your descendants sleep (?) [… … … … remainder of column, approximately 5 ½ lines, missing …]

(col. 12)

[…] behold, I have put My bow [in the cloud], and it will be a sign for Me in the cloud and will be [… … …] the earth [… … …] was revealed to me [… … 2 ½ lines missing …] vacat

[… …] among the mountains […] a vineyard in the mountains of Ararat. And after this I descended to the lower slopes of that mountain, I, my sons, and my grandchildren [… …] for devastation was great on the earth. [So]ns [and da]ughters were born to [me] after the Flood. [To Shem], my oldest son was born first Arpachshad two years after the Flood, [and] all the sons of Shem, all of them w[ere El]am, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, and Aram, as well as five daughters. vacat

[And the sons of Ham were Kush, Mitzrai]n, Put, and Canaan, as well as seven daughters. vacat

And the son[s] of Yaphet were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yavan, Tuval, Meshuk, and Tiras, as well as four daughters. vacat

And I began together with all my sons to farm the land. I planted a large vineyard on Mount Lubar, and after four years it produced wine for me […] all [… …] vacat

When the first festival came, on the first day of the first festival of the [seventh?] month [… …] of my vineyard. I opened that vessel and I began to drink of it on the first day of the fifth year [… …] On that day I summoned my sons, my grandsons, all of our wives, and their daughters, and we assembled together and went [… …] and I offered praise to the Lord of Heaven, to God Most High, to the Great Holy One who delivered us from destruction [… …] and to all [… …] of his fathers, they drank and [… … …] and I poured upon [… …] and the wine [… … remainder of column, approximately 11 lines, missing …]

(col. 13)

[… … beginning of column, 7 ½ lines, missing …] wild animals [… …] and land-dwelling insects changed (?) [… …] gold, silver, stones, and potsherds were cutting down and taking away from it for themselves. I continued to observe the gold ones and the silver ones [… …] iron: they were cutting down all of its trees and taking them for themselves. I continued to observe the sun, moon, and stars cutting down and taking away from it for themselves. I continued to observe until the land-dwelling reptiles and the aquatic reptiles destroyed it […] and it ended. vacat

I turned to look at the olive tree, and behold, the olive tree increased in height, and for a long time […] much foliage [… … …] and appearing in them. I studied that olive tree, and behold, the quantity of its leaves [… … …] tied to it, and I marveled greatly at that olive tree and its copious foliage. I marveled [… …] four winds of heaven blowing strongly and (they?) damaged that olive tree, stripping its branches and disintegrating it. First [was the wind from] the west: it assailed it and shook off some of its leaves and fruit, and scattered it in every direction. After it [… … remainder of column, approximately 9-12 lines, missing …]

(col. 14)

[… … … first 7 ½ lines missing …] knowing [… … …] vacat

[…] pay attention and hear! You are the large cedar [… …] in a dream standing/rising before you on the peak of the mountains […] the shoot emerging from it and growing up to its (the cedar’s?) height (represents?) three sons [… … …] and as for when you saw the first shoot attached to the trunk of the cedar [… …] and the wood from it [… … …] he will never separate from you throughout the whole of his life, and among his descendants your name will be invoked [… … ……] will come forth as a righteous plant for all [… … … … …] shall endure forever. And as for when you saw the shoot attached to the trunk [… … …] and as for when you saw […] the other shoot [… … …] vacat

[… …] some of their branch(es) intertwine among the branch(es) of the first (represents?) two sons [… … …] from the earth […] to the left/north [… …] and as for when you saw some of their branch(es) intertwine among the branch(es) of the first [… … … …] they placed on the earth [… … … … …] I revealed the mystery to him [… … almost 3 lines missing …. … … …] first he sent [… … over 4 lines missing … … …] the cedar [… … …]

(col. 15)

[… … … first 8 lines missing …] and as for when you saw all of them [… …] they will turn away, the majority of them will be wicked. And as for when you saw the man coming from the south of the land with a scythe in his hand and fire accompanying him [… … …] he is the one who will come from the south of the land [… … … …] and wickedness. They will cast on the fire every [… … … …] and he will come between [… … ] And as for when you saw [… … … … …] among them a wall. Four angels [… … … 3 lines missing … …] among all the nations. And all of them will serve them and become confused [… …] do not be amazed at it [… … …] I tell you all truthfully, for thus is it written about you [… …] Then I, Noah, [woke up] from my sleep, and the sun [… … … 1 ½ lines missing … …] the righteous one [… … … remainder of column, approximately 8 lines, missing]

(col. 16)

[… … first 8 lines missing …] the inlet which is between them, the source of the spring until the Tina River [… … …] all the northern land, all of it until it approaches [… … …] and this border crosses the waters of the Great Sea (i.e., the Mediterranean) until it approaches [… …] he apportioned by lot to Yaphet and his descendants to possess as (their) permanent possession. vacat

The second lot came forth for Shem to take possession, for both him and his descendants as a permanent possession. [… …] the waters of the Tina River come out [… … … …] until the Tina River [… … … …] the Great Salt Sea (i.e., the Dead Sea), and this border goes [… … … … …] which turns to the west and passes [… … … …] until it approaches [… … … …] to the east [… … … rest of column, approximately 8-10 lines, missing …]

(col. 17)

[… first 5 ½ lines missing … …] vacat

My son Shem divided his apportionment among his sons. The first (share) fell to Elam: in the north next to the waters of the Tigris River until it approaches the Red Sea at its source which is in the north, and it turns to the west to Asshur until it reaches the Tigris [… …] and after him, to Aram: the land which is between the two rivers (i.e., Mesopotamia) until it reaches the peak of Mount Asshur [… … …] fell that Mount of the Bull, and the portion crosses over and goes west until it reaches Magog [… … …] east, in the north of the bosom (?) of that inlet which is by the top of the three portions by that sea to Arpachshad [… … …] to the border which faces south, all the land which the Euphrates waters, and all [… … … …] all the valleys and plains which are between them, and the island which is in the middle of the inlet [… … … …] to the descendants of Gomer […] and Amana until it approaches the Euphrates [… … … …] the portion which Noah, his father, divided and gave to him. vacat

And Yaphet divided among his sons. He gave first to Gomer (the land) in the north until it reaches the Tina River. And after him, (he gave) to Magog, and after him to Madai, and after him to Yavan (he gave) all the islands next to Lud (i.e., Lydia), and (what was) between the inlet next to Lud and the second inlet to Tubal [… …] in the land, and to Meshek the sea [… …] and to Tiras […] four [… … …] inlet of the sea that lies next to the portion of the descendants of Ham [… … …] vacat

[… remainder of column, approximately 10-12 lines, lost …]

(col. 18)

[… entire column, approximately 27-30 lines, missing …]

(col. 19)

[… … first 6 lines missing … … There I built an alta]r [and I called] the[re on the name of G]o[d …], and I said, ‘You are m[y everlasting]g G[od’ … … …] I had not yet reached the holy mountain. I proceeded to […] and I was journeying to the south [… …] until I reached Hebron, for [at that time] Hebron had been bui[lt], and I dwelt [there two years]. vacat

A famine took place throughout all this land, but I heard that grai[n]    wa[s avail]able in Egypt. So I moved to [enter] the land of Egypt [ … … … ] I reache[d] the Carmona River, one of the branches of the river [ … … ]. Now we [ … ] our land, and I [cro]ssed the seven branches of this river which [ … … … ]. Now we passed out of our land and entered the land of the children of Ham, the land of Egypt. vacat

And I, Abram, dreamed a dream during the night of my entering the land of Egypt. I saw in my dream one cedar tree and one palm tree, [a very beautifu]l one, and huma[n] figures came and tried to chop down and uproot the cedar in order to leave the palm by itself. But the palm restrained (them) when she said, ‘Do not chop down the cedar, for both of us are from o[ne r]oot!’ And the cedar was left alone thanks to the protection of the palm and was not [chopped down]. vacat

I woke up from my dream in the night, and said to Sarai, my wife, ‘I have (just) dreamed a dream, [and I] am afraid [on account of] this dream!’ And she said to me, ‘Tell me your dream that I might know (it), and so I began to relate this dream to her. [And I revealed] to [her the meaning of that] dream, and I [said, ‘… …] for they will seek to kill me, but you they will spare [… …] this, every favor [which you must do for me] in every [place] where [we are, say] of me that “he is my brother,” and I will remain alive by your protection and survive thanks to you.’ [… … ‘they will try] to remove you from me and to kill me!’ And Sarai wept over my words that night. [… … … …] and Pharaoh Z[oan … … …] Sarai to go to Zoan [with me, for she was v]ery [careful] with her person so that no [one] would see her […]. But after those five years, three men who were princes of Egypt [came … …] of Pharaoh Zoa[n] about my affairs and about my wife, and they presented [me numerous gifts and aske]d m[e to teach them] values, wisdom, and truth. So I read in their presence the [book of] the words of [En]och [… … …] in the famine which [… … 1 ½ lines garbled … …] with much eating and [much] drinking [… … ] wine [… … … remainder of column, approximately 6-7 lines, lost … …].

(col. 20)

[… line 1 and first half of line 2 missing ….] … how excellent and beautiful is the expression on her face!  And how pleasing [and how] delicate is the hair of her head!  How beautiful are her eyes, and how pleasing is her nose and all the bloom of her face … how lovely is her breast, and how beautiful is all her fairness!  Her arms, how beautiful!  And her hands, how perfect!  Any glimpse of her hands is to be desired!  How lovely are her palms, and how long and slender are all the fingers of her hands!  Her feet, how beautiful!  And how perfect are her thighs!  No maidens or brides who enter the bridal chamber are more beautiful than she is!  The beautifulness of her beauty is superior to (that) of all (other) women, and her beauty is high above all of them!  And with all this beauty she possesses much wisdom, and the work of her hands is beautiful.

When the king heard the words of ḤRQNWŠ and the words of his two associates, since the three of them spoke with one voice (i.e., in accord), he loved her greatly.  So he quickly sent (and) seized her.  He saw her and was amazed at all her beauty, and he took her for a wife.  And he sought to kill me, but Sarai said to the king: ‘He is my brother!’ that I might profit because of her.  I, Abram, was spared because of her, and I was not killed.  I, Abram, wept an intense weeping—I and Lot, the son of my brother (who was) with me—during the night when Sarai was led away from me by force.  vacat

During that night, I prayed and besought and implored.  Aggrieved and (with) my tears streaming down, I said: ‘Praised are You, O God Most High, Lord of all the Ages, for You are Lord and Ruler over everything.  You are the Ruler over all the kings of the earth in order to exercise judgment among all of them.  And now, I make an accusation to You, O Lord, against Pharaoh Zoan, the king of Egypt, because my wife was led away from me by force.  Exercise judgment on him for me, and manifest Your great power against him and against his entire household!  May he (i.e., Pharaoh) not have the power to defile my wife for me tonight!  Then they will know you, O my Lord, for You are Lord over all the kings of the earth!’  I wept and (then) I was silent.

During that night God Most High sent a pestilential spirit to him (i.e., to Pharaoh) in order to afflict him and every person in his household—an evil spirit—and it kept attacking him and every person in his household.  He was unable to approach her, and indeed he did not have sexual relations with her, and she remained with him for two years.  At the end of two years the afflictions and scourgings intensified and strengthened against him and against every person in his household.  So he sent for (and) summoned all the sage[s of] Egypt and (sent) for all the magicians along with all the physicians of Egypt (to see) if they were able to heal him and the people of his household of this affliction.  But none of the physicians, magicians, or sages were able to endure so as to heal him, because that spirit attacked all of them (as well), and they fled.  vacat

Then ḤRQNWŠ came to me and asked of me that I should come and pray for the king and lay my hands upon him so that he might recover.  For he had seen [me] in a dre[a]m.  But Lot said to him: ‘My uncle Abram is unable to pray for the king while his wife Sarai remains with him.  So now go (and) tell the king he should send his wife away from himself back to her husband.  Then he will pray for him, and he will recover.’

vacat  When ḤRQNWŠ heard the words of Lot, he went (and) said to the king: ‘All these afflictions and scourgings with which my lord the king has been afflicted and scourged are on account of Sarai, the wife of Abram.  Let them now return Sarai to her husband Abram, and this affliction and purulent spirit will stop!’  So the [k]i[n]g summoned me and said to me: ‘What have you done to me because of [Sara]i?  You said to me: “She is my sister,” but she was your wife!  I took her as a wife for myself!  Lo, here is your wife: lead her off, go, and depart from every city of Egypt!  And now, pray for me and for my family, and let this wicked spirit be exorcized from us!’

Then I prayed for [him that he might he]al quickly.  I laid my hands upon his he[ad], and the affliction was removed from him and the evil [spirit] was exorcized [from him], and he recovered.  The king arose and gave me on that d[ay] numerous gifts, and the king swore to me with an oath that he had not [molested] her.  And he returned Sarai to me, and the king gave her a [la]rge quantity of si[lver and go]ld together with a large quantity of clothing of linen and purple that …. before her, and also Hagar.  So he restored her to me, and he appointed people to accompany me who would take me out of Egypt.  vacat

So I, Abram, departed with very many possessions and also with silver and gold.  I came up from [Egyp]t [and Lot], the son of my brother, was with me.  Lot too had acquired for himself vast possessions, and he had taken a wife for himself from the [Egyptian] women.  I was dw[elling with him

(col. 21)

in] every place of my (previous) encampments until I arrived at Bethel, the place wherein I had built an altar.  I built it a second time, [and] I offered burnt offerings and a grain offering on it to God Most High.  I invoked there the name of the Lord of the Ages and I gave praise to the name of God, and I blessed God and I gave thanks there before God for all the possessions and goods which He had given to me, and because of the good which He had done for me, and because He had returned me to this land safely.  vacat

After this day Lot separated from me because of the conduct of our shepherds.  He went and made his dwelling in the Jordan valley, and all of his flocks were with him.  I moreover added greatly to what he already possessed.  He pastured his flocks and arrived at Sodom.  He bought a house for himself in Sodom and dwelt in it.  I was dwelling in the hill country of Bethel.  It was distressful to me that Lot, the son of my brother, had separated from me.  vacat

vacat  Then God appeared to me in a night-vision and said to me: ‘Go up to Ramath-Ḥaṣor which is to the north of Bethel, the place where you dwell, and lift up your eyes and look to the east and to the west and to the south and to the north, and look at all this land which I am giving to you and to your descendants <for> all the ages!’  So the following day I went up to Ramath-Ḥaṣor, and I viewed the land from this high place: from the river of Egypt to Lebanon and Senir, and from the great sea (i.e., the Mediterranean) to the Ḥauran, and all the land of Gebal up to Qadesh, and the whole of the great desert which is east of the Ḥauran and Senir as far as the Euphrates.  And He said to me: ‘To your descendants I will give all of this land, and they will have possession of it for all ages.  I will multiply your descendants (to be) like the dust of the ground which no person is able to count—your descendants will likewise be impossible to count.  Arise, walk, go and see how long it is and how wide it is, because I will give it to you and to your descendants after you forever!’  vacat

I, Abram, went out to travel around and to see the land.  I began to travel around from the Giḥon river, and I went along the side of the (Mediterranean) Sea until I arrived at Mt. Taurus.  Then I traveled away from the si[de] of this great sea of salt, and I went along the east side of Mt. Taurus through the breadth of the land until I arrived at the Euphrates river.  I traveled along the side of the Euphrates until I reached the Red Sea toward the east.  I continued going along the side of the Red Sea until I reached the inlet (lit. ‘tongue’) of the Sea of Reeds which emerges from the Red Sea, and then I traveled toward the south until I arrived at the Giḥon river.  I turned and came back to my house safely, and I found all my people to be well.

Then I went and dwelt at the oaks of Mamre which were in Hebron—more like to the northeast of Hebron—and I built an altar there.  I offered on it a burnt-offering and a cereal offering to God Most High.  I ate and I drank there, I and all the people of my household, and I sent for (and) invited Mamre, Arnem, and Eshkol, the three Amorite brothers (who were) my friends, and they ate together with me and drank with me.  vacat

Before these days, Kedorlaomer the king of Elam had come (along with) Amraphel the king of Babylon, Arioch the king of Kappatuk (i.e., Cappadocia), and Tidal the king of Goyyim which is between the two rivers.  They made war with Bera‘ the king of Sodom and with Birsha‘ the king of Gomorrah and with Shinab the king of Admah and with Shemiabad the king of Ṣeboyyin and with the king of Bela‘.  All of these met together for battle at the valley of Siddaya, and the king of Elam and the kings who were with him were stronger than the king of Sodom and all his allies.  They imposed a tribute upon them.  For twelve years they gave their tribute to the king of Elam, but in the thirteenth year they rebelled against him.  In the fourteenth year, the king of Elam led forth all his allies, and they came up the road of the desert and were attacking and plundering, starting from the Euphrates river.  They attacked the Rephaim who were in Ashterot of Qarnain, the Zumzamim who were in Ammon, the Emim w[ho were in] Shaveh-Haqariot, and the Ḥorites who were in the mountains of Gebal until they arrived at El-Paran which is in the desert.  They then turned back and attacked ‘Eyn-Dina [and the people] who were in Ḥaṣeṣon-Tamar.  vacat

The king of Sodom came forth to meet them, with the king of [Gomorrah and the k]ing of Admah and the king of Ṣeboyyin and the king of Bela‘.  The[y d]id battle in the valley o[f Siddaya] against Kedorla[omer, the king of Elam, and the kings] who were with him.  The king of Sodom was defeated and was routed, and the king of Gomorrah fell into pits [of tar? …] ….  The king of Elam looted all the possessions of Sodom and of [Go]morr[ah …] …. And they captured Lot, the son of the brother

(col. 22)

of Abram who was dwelling in Sodom, together with them along with all his possessions.  One of the shepherds of the flock whom Abram had given to Lot who had escaped capture came unto Abram, and Abram was then living in Hebron, and informed him that Lot, the son of his brother, had been captured along with all his possessions, and he had not been killed.  (He also told him) that the kings had proceeded along the great valley road in the direction of [?] taking captives, looting, attacking, and killing, going toward the city of Damascus.  Abram wept on account of Lot, the son of his brother.  Then he composed himself, arose, and selected from among his servants men chosen to do battle, (being) three hundred and eighteen (in number).  Arnem, Eshkol, and Mamre proceeded with him.  He pursued after them until he reached Dan, and he found them camping in the valley of Dan.  During the night he cast (missiles) onto them from their four sides, and he was killing them during the night.  He defeated them, and he chased them, and all of them were fleeing before him until they reached Ḥelbon, placed to the north of Damascus.  He rescued from them everyone whom they had captured, and everything which they had plundered along with all their goods, and he also delivered Lot, the son of his brother, and all of his property.  Every captive whom they had captured he brought back.  The king of Sodom heard that Abram had brought back all the captives and all the loot, and he went up to meet him.  He came to Salem; i.e., Jerusalem, and Abram pitched camp in the valley of Shaveh; i.e., the valley of the king, the valley of Beth Karma.  Melchizedek, the king of Salem, brought out food and drink for Abram and for all the men who were with him.  He was a priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram and said: ‘May Abram be blessed by God Most High, the Lord of the heavens and earth!  Praised be God Most High Who has delivered your enemies into your grasp!’  And he gave to him a tenth of all the possessions of the king of Elam and his allies.

vacat  Then the king of Sodom approached and said to Abram: ‘My lord Abram, give to me the persons who are mine (now) with you who were captives whom you rescued from the king of Elam.  All their possessions are left for you!’  vacat

Then Abram said to the king of Sodom: ‘I raise my hand this day to God Most High, the Lord of heavens and earth, (that) I will not take even a thread or a strap of a shoe of anything that belongs to you lest you be saying  vacat  “all the wealth of Abram came from my property,” with the exception of what my servants who were with me have already consumed, and with the exception of the share of the three men who went with me.  They are in charge of their share for granting to you!’  Abram returned all the possessions and all the captives, and he gave (them) to the king of Sodom.  All the captives who were still with him from that land, he released and sent away all of them.  vacat

After these things, God appeared to Abram in a vision and said to him: ‘Behold!  It has been ten complete years since the day you departed from Ḥarran: two you spent here, seven in Egypt, and one after you returned from Egypt.  And now, examine and count everything which you own, and see how many doublings they have increased compared to everything which came out with you on the day of your departure from Ḥarran!  So fear not, for I am with you.  I will be a support and strength for you.  I am a shield over you and a buckler for you with respect to anyone stronger than you.  Your wealth and your possessions will greatly increase!’  vacat

Abram said: ‘My Lord God!  I have much wealth and possessions, but what good are all these things to me?  I, when I die, will depart naked, for there are no children.  One of the members of my household will inherit from me, Eliezer, a member [of my household ….] will be my heir.’  He said to him: ‘No, this one will not inherit from you!  Instead, the one who will come forth [from your loins will inherit from you].

See part 2 as the post is too Big.


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