Acts chapter 29

There was a Ancient text Claiming to be the Continuation of a Biblical Book called Acts of Apostle. The text was Named as Acts 29 or Lost Chapter of Acts or Sonnini Manuscript.

It was First Found in the Archives of Constantinople and later translated to french by Naturalist Sonnini de.. .


The text was First found in Greek and Later it was also translated into French. The Acts of Apostle Ends abrutively while Paul was in two Years Imprisoned in Rome. Several Have Claimed to be the Original text written by Luke.


The Text Says that Paul went to Spain after coming out of the Imprisonment and later to London (Britain) for Preaching the Gospel and he Preached in Mount Lud and later went to gaul later to the remains of Pilate(12BC-37AD) and to mount Julius where he Prophecied and later  came unto Illyricum intending to go by Macedonia into Asia.

For Authenticity Points to Know are,

1. Eusbieus said that Some Apostle Passed to Britain. (They are Joseph of Arimathea and Paul)

2. Muratorian Canon States that Paul went to Spain.

3. Historically Rome had conquered the greater part of Britain, and the Apostle Paul would obviously meet with many at Rome and elsewhere who had been there, either as traders or with the Roman army, So here there is No Question

4. The Apostle went and stood on Mount Lud, or Ludgate Hill, at that time, absolute confidence, extra Worth of being called a mount than now. It has certainly been levelled for constructing the Cathedral and its predecessors, and the low-lying ground round levelled up.

5. It has all the Pure appearance of being of Early datings as It is written in Greek, and in the style of the Acts and Its tone is dignified and spiritual.

6. The peoples and places mentioned are called by their ancient names. 

7. prophetic expressions in Acts 29.

8. It is Preserved in the Archives of Constantinople in Ancient Greek.

9. Its Shows pure gospel character Just like Gospel of Luke and with generous conception of the Divine purpose and plan.

10. Information here true and Can be Confirmed.

11. Acts Chapter 28 Doesn't End with Amen.

12. Eusbieus in his Ecclesiastical history said Concerning Pilates Pilates death Parrallely with Acts 29.

Against Authenticity 

1. Muratorian Canon Fragment States that  ..... Luke wrote Acts of Apostle...... about the character activities that came about in his presence. He actually shows this by means of omitting the crucifixion of Peter, and the departure of Paul, while Paul went from the city of Rome to Spain...

Which I feel that Muratorian Canon Stated that Luke wrote what he Eyewitnesses with Paul, So I can't Say It true or False. It may be true because he didn't write anything in detail. So I can't Judge it is true or False and Nobody Can Judge because no evidence is Found that it is true or Forged so i did not kept in the Category of Ancient Lost writings 

2. There is allegedly no Inscription or Monument of that Stones prophecied is found.


Verse 1-5

Concerning Paul filled with Holy Spirit preached Gospel and Prophesied boldy in Britain and spain and The verse 3 is the allusion to Acts 9:15 and 22:21 (It indicates that it is Parrallel to Acts of Apostle indicating it was Written by Luke) stating Preach the Gospel to gentiles and Lost sheep. verse 4 and 5 States that Many came to Paul and Hindered in the Journey of Paul and he Boldly Preached and Many were Baptised and Paul Wroght Many Miracles among them. Prophet mentioned in verse 2 is Isaiah.

Verse 6-10

He preached in Spain and later Travelled to Britain in the Ship and Many multitudes met him and Stayed in the House of a Hebrew. Paul went to Mount Lud [place where st Paul Cathedral is Built] and Prophecies saying ,            ........In the last days [End time or Millennial Reign of Christ] the God of Peace [Yeshua or Jesus] shall dwell in the cities [Messianic rule for 1000 years], and the inhabitants [Saints or Believers] there shall be numbered; and in the seventh numbering (allegedly seventh census) of the people,  their eyes shall be opened [like see the truth], and their inheritance shine forth the Glory before them. And [the] nations shall come up on the Mount to worship  that/which testifies of servant of the Lord concerning the patience and long suffering. 

Verse 11-15

11 and 12 states Concerning End time which is alluded in Gospels for instance the Rumor of War, Wars and King rise against King. The Word Sword refered in verse 12 is the Gospel or Preaching of Gospel Continues saying Sword shall be Peace maker, Healer and Glory of a God in kingdom Making wonders among Princes. Later in 13 Paul meets Druids and he Hugs and Kisses them. They were Descendents of Jews who Escape from Bondage in Egypt. Paul lived three months there and later after their Faith was Firm. He left Raphinus and sail to a Place Gaul.

Verse 16-23

Paul Preached to Roman Garrisons to Repent and Exhort Faith. Certain Belgaui came to Know Paul's teaching, He Preached Christ Came to Save Sinners after Teaching Paul and His Fellow Disciples went to Helvita and Went to Mount Pontius pilate who Condemned lord Jesus was Dashed to Ground himself  He prayed Concerning the Signs to show his People and The water turned to the Likeness of Jesus Crucified on Cross.

And a Voice like earthquake Came saying Pilate has Escaped the Wrath to Come because he has washed his Hand saying I am innocent of his Blood it is also quoted in Gospels. Paul and those who saw earthquake glorifies God.

Verse 24-26 The Prophecies Concerning two stones and Ending.

Paul filled with Holy Spirit Prophecied that the stones there Proohecied Pauls Journey (however allegedly there is no stone Found) and went to Illyricum intending to go by Macedonia into Asia where all the Churches Prospered and ends with Amen.

Other Things Done by Paul Not mentioned in Acts 29

Britain and Rome based on history were still at war, and Paul preached in Britain Christianity was taking hold very well in Britain. For this reason, while Paul was in Gaul, He was arrested once again (not the two years imprisonment mentioned in Acts 28) and taken back to Rome on charges of conspiracy and preaching a Unofficial religion. Peter was arrested around that same time. Peter had preached the Gospel in places like Cappadocia, Betania, Italy, Pontus, Galatia, Asia,  [I think the Place which John was Bishop called Asia Minor],and Rome and Many other Places [some may not be Mentioned]. Both Peter and Paul were in prison in Rome for just for some weeks. 

Events occured in 27th of June AD 67 (Recalled events)

Peter and Paul both went to Stop Simon magus from Destroying Christianity, Nero was Pleased with Simon magus he thought him to be god and challenged Peter and Paul telling them Prove their God is true .Simon Magus had ability to fly using Sorcery. So Peter and Paul both Prayed in Loud and Suddenly Simon Fell from The Height and his leg was broken to three to Four Pieces, Nero being angry of Duo Charged them Death so, On 27 June on AD 67, they were both put to death. The apostle Peter was crucified upside down at hisrequest, feeling unworthy to be crucified like Christ. Paul, being a Roman citizen, was beheaded. Both were buried in the Rome now called St Peter's Cathedral.


If this writing is true, then it is Written Around AD 75. Apostle Luke died in AD 84, He was Hanged on tree.


Here i Have Shown 12 points Concerning why it is Authentic and 2 Point that is Against Authenticity Concerning Acts 29 . Based on these points nobody can Judge it is Canonical or not. There is no translation here, but you may find it in any Public Platforms.

Thank you Viewing this Post🙏

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